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How does netarx work?

We work by installing an agent on your laptop or desktop. The agent does all the work. Our browser plugins allow you to communicate as you always do. We seamlessly display a visual indication that you are emailing or talking with a trusted person.

It takes a lot of work for you to be able to communicate seamlessly and get that visual indication. We have a small army of developers, engineers and researchers who are writing code that analyzes many different "features". Features are what AI experts use to describe different attributes, for instance your gps location or how many time you have already talked with someone or if you are using a different device. We currently have 30  or so features that we are analyzing and we are adding more features every week.

New features will be made available in our marketplace. Some features are included in our service and some are an additional fee as they come from 3rd parties. It is the marketplace and the suite of features that you use to help secure your organization that addresses your individualized security needs.