Different User Levels Explained
From the Sensor Dashboard you can see up to 3 user levels
On the Sensor Dashboard (Click on Flurp and then sprocket) if you are a VAR/MSP then you will have 3 user levels on the left side of the dashboard screen:
VAR Admin: From this level you can add your clients - we call them "Organizations". When you click on
Organizational Admin: From this level, you can view and control users from each specific organization. You may review their connections, devices and delete them. To switch between organizations, look to the top right corner of the dashboard. The button next to organizations is the sites button which allows for the finer degree of divisional control.
User Admin: From this level, the user can add external accounts and review user connections. External Accounts are based on your primary email and you can add additional external accounts regardless if they are for work or a personal use. The user connection allows the user to filter their many interactions. There are many other features, such as device management , etc. that are available at this level.